The Talking Forest - Tree Runes for a New Millennium by Kay Broome


The Talking Forest comprises a set of 42 runes based on our native trees. This new and unique array mirrors the elegance and vitality of the noble guardians of forest and field; stream and street. Within this book, you will discover the fascinating history, mythology and spiritual significance of each of the trees represented in this array.

Enter the Talking Forest and meet stately Tuliptree, stalwart Pine, mysterious Rose, and many other tree spirits. Read how Beech helped us on the road to literacy, why Elm is often associated with misfortune, why Larch is the Shaman’s tree and many other fascinating items. Learn to read the runes using three novel layout methods created by the author. Let the runes and their influences help guide you through life’s many stages.

Now more than ever, the wisdom, healing energy and spiritual guidance of our native trees can help the reader reach a more harmonious inner life. An innovative runic array that actually captures the image and character of these majestic and essential beings will be enjoyed by many pagans and by all who love trees.