Tarot Art Nouveau (Multiple Options)


Spirit, grace and beauty, soft and elegant lines becomes a means for interpreting the future. 

These cards - featuring art by artist Antonella Castelli - are alive with movement. The delicate curves, the sweeping lines, plus  the bright yet gentle color all serve to draw the mind around and into the pictures. Taken together in a reading, these cards almost effortlessly weave a story. Taken individually, there is plenty for the eye to feast on.

This deck, a work of art in itself, will also serve as a powerful divinatory tool. It also serves as an excellent complement to the Art Nouveau Lenormand

Available in standard tarot size or in a smaller 44 mm by 80 mm mini size*.

The companion booklets for most Lo Scarabeo decks are in five languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, and German.

*Mini size is out of print as of 8/5/2021.