Starseed Oracle


A modern oracle for a new generation of mystics, and fans of astrology and New Age.

The Starseed Oracle is a breathtaking 53-card oracle deck for starseeds, empaths, lightworkers and seekers, by Rebecca Campbell, featuring the powerful artwork of Danielle Noel.

Starseeds are souls that first incarnated somewhere beyond this planet - many have a sort of 'knowing' from a young age. Depicting energy portals, ancient sites, faraway planets and star systems, the oracle is otherworldly, literally opening a path to things that cannot be seen with our eyes. For those starseeds roaming the Earth with a pull towards the unknown within the stars, this deck will help them to:

  •  Identify as a starseed, and understand what this word means
  •  Feel less alone in the universe and understand their longing for 'home'
  •  Activate imprinted memories of their soul history through beautiful cosmic images
  •  Understand their mission on Earth and empower them be full of positive energy