Pictorial Key Tarot
More than just another RWS copy, The Pictorial Key Tarot takes the original RWS concepts and brings them into the 21st century. It uses the same basic symbolism as the RWS, but artist Davide Corsi attempts to further enhances it in places to make Waite's original ideas clearer. It also adds more depth to the characters' faces and body language, photorealistic backgrounds, and thrilling use of light and shadow. It will not only be instantly readable by anyone familiar with the RWS deck, but will give new insights and help expand the intuition and mental inspiration.
The vivid illustrations in this stunning deck bring the arcana to life like never before. With this deck, you can experience how these avant-garde realizations of familiar tarot figures and symbols can open your inner temple.
The companion booklets for most Lo Scarabeo decks are in five languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, and German.